Sunday, May 31, 2009

He shows up in unexpected ways

it isn't much of a surprise to most of you that finances have been a struggle for me in the past few months. It has been an uphill battle more often than not. There are times when it is really easy to be discouraged...and then you open up a box of cinnamon toast crunch and God shows up. Last Monday ( memorial day) we had the day off from the base. I was hanging out at my apartment watching some morning news and eating a bowl of cereal. I was thinking about finances and some fun stuff I would like to do that always involves money, when I nonchalantly read the label on the box of cereal, "you could be a winner!". I rarely even check under pop tops for the million dollar prizes let alone take the bag of cereal out of the box to check under it....and sure the bottom of the box a credit card shaped package. As I pulled it out I was still a little skeptical. As I removed the silver colored wrapper I saw the gift card in my hand was for 25$. It might as well had been for a million because I was jumping up and down....Crazy ehh....
A week Later...
The 25 dollar gift card burning a hole in my pocket I decide to go to the ARC (our local thrift store). Thinking I may find some tank tops or other summerwear I start looking through the modge podge of items to find a snowboard and bindings for 25 dollars! I immediately pick it up and check it out making sure that there isn't a catch. Finally as I am satisfied with the fact that I am not going to be ripped off in anyway I take it up to the check out to find that it is saturday and thus 50% off everything day. I leave the thrift store with a 13 dollar snowboard, 12 dollar gift card, and the reassurance that God cares even about the littlest things in my life.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Its funny how God always provides for our needs in the most random of ways!

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Denver, Colorado, United States
its a coming of age wouldnt be interested
