Sunday, June 14, 2009

and the world spins madly on...

i am twenty six years old. this statement shocks me a bit even now as i sit at the top of my spiral staircase on a lazy june afternoon listening to benny goodman on the record player.( i have had a whole week to get used to the idea). i love my life. i can't really say it enough but, it is soo true. i love it. in january this year i gave up my medicore paying job serving coffee to work for a non-profit in denver colorado. i make nothing. i have people who believe in what i do and donate. I pay the bills off of people's generosity. it is a crazy, but so amazing life. at twenty-six i love the feeling of knowing i have a good 50 years ahead of me to continue this crazy ride. i love the feeling of being free from expectations to live up to someone elses thoughts of success. it is unbelievably freeing to discover ways to live simpler and simpler and enjoy the things that don't cost me everything, but are worth so much. it is unbelievably satisfying to know what i am doing is helping people. i am in the business of hope, and the return on investment never ceases to amaze me.


Allie said...

"the business of hope"...i like that. and somehow i didn't know it was your birthday, and am sad to have missed it! hope it was great though:)

Laurie Granger said...

THANKS! love you girl!

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Denver, Colorado, United States
its a coming of age wouldnt be interested
