Sunday, February 17, 2008

cup o joe sundays

i miss my dad today. As they years have gone in these days are fewer and fewer between. but today is one of them. I watched a movie yesterday where the 18 year old girl was leaving for college and the father who would otherwise had had his emotions in check would crack just for the moment where he realizes he has hugged his daughter for the last time in quite a bit of leads me to remember all those times i left...for north carolina, for denver, for bosnia. each moment was one of those moments. one of those times i came to expect. this was the thing that reminded me that my goofy and sometimes emotionally vague dad, truly loved me. i miss those moments. the fact that he was crying would make me cry, its been sometime since i have been able to cry with my dad.


Jesse said...

Randomly linked to your blog through mine...just browsing around. But wanted to say I really like your thoughts in the previous post, "Trust", about standing by, monitoring. Nice analogy, and good point...


Laurie Granger said...

thanks jesse. i imagine you may know that better than sentiment better than i. its easy for us to trust people to do the right thing. its easy for people not to do the right thing.

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Denver, Colorado, United States
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