i feel like we all have our trust in things. our own safety blankets. stuff we dont even think about but trust like gravity above our heads and earth below our feet. then there are the other things we dont necessarily have the scientific basis to back up. things we have always been told therefore must be true. things that you believe because you are an optomist. i remember living in sarajevo, and for the most part being ignorant of the war. i really didnt do my homework before i got there. i was told what a great power the UN was and that was all i really needed to know. I would feel safe walking around and seeing the blue helmet of the UN soldiers as they stood around, ate ice cream, went to the movies, rode around in land rovers. I remember thinking, if things were to get bad here i could count on these guys to take care of things. I also remember coming home and still intrigued about what i lived and saw there i started to do the research that was so overdue. As i read page after page of the story of these people i had come to love i came to the realization that the UN stood by and did nothing. said nothing. There are positions in the UN called "UN monitor" . basically you live among the people like one of them and document there deaths, and then go back to the cozy hotels that have been set aside for you and relay the info back to your higher ups. i wondered the other day...are there people in our lives that trust us to help like i trusted the guys in blue helmets. the homeless, or single mom, or katrina victim, or just a friend that is hurting. My prayer is to overcome indifference. To allow these people to effect me into action. That when others suffer i will not just "moniter" the situation but i will act. i will speak up. i will help.
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