Tuesday, February 19, 2008


its been about 75 days since the shooting in denver. charlie and dan have healed well physically and are taking the emotional and spiritual healing with stride. tiff and phil's bodies have longs since been sent home and buried with their families. news crews have left and even aftermath stories are all told. for many this pain is still fresh. those of my friends that were there the night matthew came in are just now beginning to sleep a whole night without waking in panic. today while thinking about them i sat down on my computer, googled rocky mountain news, searched the ywam shooting and finally read the stories that were too painful to make it through in december . i saw the pictures...a few of me, that i had been avoiding because of my distaste for the media through this whole thing. Then i came upon matthew's blog; the message board he had been posting on for over a year before he entered that building on december 9th and shot up a hallway of kids solely because they loved God and loved people. I read the words of a man who was disturbed, who was in pain, and who in the end allowed it to consume him. I was on Drowned tour the fall he attended YWAM for his DTS. I was there for a few weeks of his school. I never knew him but im sure i walked by him in halls, worshiped next to him, ate meals near him. I kept reading. I hoped to gain understanding of why he went to arvada that night. what drove him there. In best terms december 9th was a sobering experience for all of us.  I still cannot grasp the events of that night








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Denver, Colorado, United States
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