Wednesday, December 16, 2009

to my dad on his five year re-birthday

i am from white caddilacs with red interiors and orange trees in grandmas backyard.
i am from eight puppies andthe artist/poet/car part salesman living in our basement
i am from "cubba jubbies" and "bodysam".
i am from easter dresses under the crab apple tree and roller skating to "heart in motion" in  the garage.
i am from hot summer afternoons in the above ground pool and dot-dog-mac-n-cheese lunches and playing rainbow brite before TGIF.
i am from road trips to akron and fishing with grandpa.
i am from oscar de la renta and motor oil.
i am from "leaving on a jet plane" and "sunshine on my shoulders".
i am from g.i. joes attack the barbie townhouse and weeping willow trees. 
i am from twinkle lights and home made ornaments.
i am from race car drivers and folk singers.

i wonder if five years feels the same in heaven as does here on earth. it seems like it has been forever. the hole doesn't hurt as much as the years go on, but it is still there. it's days like today that remind me of that. dad, i love you and miss you.


Little Mrs Mason said...

i love you so so so much.. thank you for everything you are.. xoxo

Allie said...

So beautiful Laurie!

Allison said...

i admire you VERY much. this is beautiful.

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Denver, Colorado, United States
its a coming of age wouldnt be interested
