Wednesday, December 30, 2009

new years is strange mark certain holidays here in a city that seems like time stands still. this is a city where every pint comes with a history lesson, every brick paved road has a story, every piece of  architecture is significant. here the passing of a decade seems unremarkable. decades come and go and much of life here looks the same. its hard to believe that we are coming up on another decade. it doesnt seem like it has been that long since the Y2k scare. i look forward to celebrating the new year in belfast and my prayer is that i will not only have dreams for the future, and learn and remember my past but also that i will learn to be utterly present. to be here now. and not to miss what is set in front of me everyday.

1 comment:

Little Mrs Mason said...

happy new year my love!!! I miss you!!

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Denver, Colorado, United States
its a coming of age wouldnt be interested
