Friday, August 21, 2009

Growing Food, Growing Hope

In today's post I want to make a plug for this awesome organization my friend John works for in Southern Ohio. Are you a gardener? Have you ever wanted to start a community garden? Check these guys out . They are doing some amazing things : growing food and growing hope.

thanks for all the ad clicks guys, keep them coming. Even five minutes of your time is a great help. Thank you all.


John Cropper said...

Thank you so much for the plug, Laurie!

I've been reading your blog daily, and trying to spend some time at your advertisers sites. ;)

I'm thinking another Denver/Boulder/Arvada roadtrip is in order soon.

Laurie Granger said...

Crops! thank you. it's surprisingly a really good way to help pay the bills. Hey, I am going to be in ohio sometime near the end of the week through next week around thursday ( the joy of standby tickets). If you are planning to make it up to Columbus let me know! Also...Denver should happen soon...i move downtown next month...come hang out .

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Denver, Colorado, United States
its a coming of age wouldnt be interested
