Sunday, December 2, 2007

"so are you going to tell me what is up or do i have to keep prying."
"nothing is up."
"well you are packing all your stuff at 2 am so clearly something is up."
you fight like ernie.
"what does that mean?"
"you are a mean fighter. you hit below the belt."
"what does that mean?"
i can only tell when your offeneded in public. you bring things up in front of people you think are cool to make me look bad.
"is this about the rent thing?"
"you have brought that up with every person we hang out with."
"we were joking about you moving in with ally . i said ...good luck getting the was a joke."
"you have brought up the rent thing so many times. why do you think im moving home? so you would quit bringing it up. then i realize you are always going to bring this up. i hadnt said anything up to now because you did a nice thing. but all that goes away when you treat me like that."
"well michele the truth of the matter is that you have paid me about 350 dollars of 700 dollars you owed me. its not a big deal. i dont care. its just the truth."
"if it isnt a big deal why bring it up?
"why wouldn't you have told me before now?"
" i cant confront you."
"your doing it right now arent you?"
"because i am at my edge."
"im sorry you felt you had to wait that long."
"i share everything with you. you keep stuff from me."
"i internalize. its how i proccess."
"your not going to keep friends by doing that."
"what can i say? its who i am its how i proccess. if you dont understand that im sorry."
"and then you bring up the thing about me being in retarded classes."
(im not even sure who that was said in front of honestly)
" look im sorry you feel that way"
...tension growing...she starts in about something else.
"look. im going to go home. you do what you need to do and ....i dont know call me sometime."
"laurie dont leave. just go to sleep or something."
"no im going home. bye."
" dont leave mad..."
"im not leaving mad im leaving hurt.."
....long pause as i gather my stuff
"you cant keep running away from everything."
walking towards the door..."now THAT i take personally."

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Denver, Colorado, United States
its a coming of age wouldnt be interested
