Saturday, January 24, 2009

death defying mountain drive

after well over a week of 60 degree weather the state of colorado finally decided to bring back winter. friday afternoon it began to flurry. around 4:00pm I had finished all my work and decided to gather my laundry and stuff i'd need for the weekend. when i came out of the building the snow had gotten a little heavier and had covered my windshield and back window. I began my trip down the mountain in all reality thinking i'd be down in maybe a half hour. by the time i was a mile down the road the snow had gotten real bad. I was getting a little uneasy when a pickup truck came up behind me...knowing i'd be heading down the mountain at a much slower speed than it i pulled over and let the truck go around me. the couple in the truck pulled up next to me and rolled down the window. the woman was clearly part native american and had a concerned look on her face. she asked me if everything was alright. when i explained to her that i was letting them go ahead because i was going to take a long time to get down they told me they would keep an eye out for me and put there truck into 4 wheel drive so as to get better traction. i followed them for about another half mile....realizing that even at 5 miles an hour i couldn't keep from sliding down the steep inclines i pulled off and decided to head back up to eagle rock. when i turned around i went to drive back up the hill and all of a sudden came to the rude awakening that i couldn't get my tires not to spin in place heading back up the mountain. soo....i was stuck with the realization. either i would have to make it down this mountain or sit on this hill where i was (if this could get any more metaphorical i could vomit) So i put it in low gear, grabbed to the rumble strip and prayed like hell till i made it down...a hour and a half later. it was messy and there were some close calls but the bottom of the mountain never looked so good. i could end this post with all the obvious anecdotes, but i'll leave the story as is...and thank God for my death defying mountain drive

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Denver, Colorado, United States
its a coming of age wouldnt be interested
